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Page 8

  I can tell that I’m talking faster than normal, I’m excited and I can’t get control over it. Grabbing onto his shirt, I start to pull it out of his pants.

  “I want to see it. Please let me see it. Right here, right now.” I beg as I reach for his belt buckle.

  “Jesus Christ, Annabelle!”

  Jared grabs my arms to try to stop my over-eager hands.

  “What are you doing? I don't have any piercings. You know that! Stop that!”

  Jared yells but I'm not listening, it has become my mission to see his dick and the steel hoop that pierces it. It’s called a Prince Albert piercing. I looked it up.

  Jared keeps trying to grab my hands but he's not fast enough, I shove my hand inside his pants and boxers until I get my hand on his dick. I let out a sigh as I find what I’m looking for. His cock starts to harden in my hand, and that excites me, as he lengthens and hardens more and more, but then I realize that there's no hoop. I look up at him, and I can see the struggle on his face, the concern for me, the pleasure of having my hand on him, and the fear of being caught in front of the church getting a hand job.

  “Where is it?” I say in a hollow voice.

  Am I wrong? Is it not Jared?

  Jared moans quietly, unaware that I am frantically searching his now hard cock for the beloved hoop. That hoop has brought me amazing pleasure, I'm sure he's my Psycho, so where is it. I wrack my brain for signs that I misread.

  My hand stills in Jared’s pants, suddenly a shrill voice from behind me says, “Jared, are you coming, Son?” and Jared pushes me away from him, hard.

  I lose my footing and fall back onto the cement, smacking my head when I land, and everything goes black.



  The echo of the door slamming behind me is the only thing I can hear over the roar of my pounding heart. I storm to my car and almost rip the door off its hinges as I climb in and slam it shut. I pull my shirt over my head and grip the steering wheel for dear life, hoping that maybe it will help me figure out what the fuck just happened. This was not the plan.

  “Breathe Elliot, breathe,” I say out loud to no one.

  Like that deep breathing shit is going to work, asshole. If you weren't such a pussy, you would not have had to hide behind me. Now my Kitten is out there chasing that useless mother fucker for what…

  Shut up! It's your fucking fault we are in this mess in the first place. If you had thought with the head on your shoulders and not the head of your damn dick, she would never have figured it out.

  Man up, motherfucker! Stop being a sissy bitch and show the girl you have two balls and big dick. She doesn't want flowers and candlelight. She wants you to turn her ass red, and then rub it all better.

  I can't believe that I am fucking fighting with myself when I should be fucking the shit out of AB. If I had my dick in that sweet pussy of hers, there would be no way for her to deny that we were one in the same.

  Suddenly, I hear my phone ring. Reaching over to grab it out of my jacket pocket, I answer without even checking to see who it is.

  “Hello,” I growl into the phone. I do not have patience at the moment to be speaking to people.

  “Hello, is this Elliot Rodgers?”

  Okay, now I am worried. “Speaking. Who is this?”

  “My name is Mary Sanders. I’m an RN at St. Mary’s Hospital calling in reference to Ms. Annabelle Kingston…”

  I didn't even let her finish her sentence. I hang up and immediately head to the emergency room. I know AB, she was freaking out about Jared so badly she went looking for him. Since it is Sunday that asshole is playing the good little Catholic boy and headed to Mass with his momma so there are only two places she could be. Let's hope I pick the right one first.


  I skid to a stop in the closest parking spot and hop out of my car. I race through the emergency room doors and grab the first person I see, and luckily it happens to be a nurse.

  “I received a call from RN Mary Sanders about Annabelle Kingston. What happened? Did he hurt her? Is he still here? Have the police been called?”

  I’m so close to just shaking this woman. I need all the answers right fucking now!

  “Sir, if you will take a breath for a minute and calm down I will try to answer your questions.”

  I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down, but it was not working. Can she not understand my reason for living could be dying or hurt at the hands of some asshole, and she wants me to calm down?

  “Elliot, I presume?”

  “Yes, ma'am that’s me. Is she alright?”

  “She is fine. She took a minor spill and hit her head. Now as for the police, I am not sure if the young man is planning to press charges or not. His mother seems to be quite insistent, but they have not been called yet. Unfortunately, you are unable to see Ms. Kingston as of yet. She is getting a few stitches in the back of her head and is still in with the doctor.”

  “Wait for a second. Does the man happen to be named Jared Winston?”

  I tentatively ask her, my entire body tensing, because there is no way he did not have anything to do with AB hitting her head

  “Yes, do you know him? I can take you to the waiting area, and you all can wait together.”

  Oh, little Nurse Sanders does not know the present she has just given me. This is better than waking up on Christmas morning.

  “Here you are, sir. I will have a nurse get you when you can see Ms. Kingston. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “No, thank you very much for the help, Nurse Sanders. Have a great rest of your day.” I say on autopilot. I’m entirely focused on getting my hands on Jared.

  As the nurse turns the corner, I walk into the room and hear the hushed tones of Jared and his mother arguing in the corner. I clear my throat not to appear rude, but mostly because I want to get Jared’s attention.

  Once Jared looks up and sees me, his face immediately loses all color. I can't help but chuckle as I step closer to the pair.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Winston. I wish I were seeing you again under better circumstances. Do you mind if Jared and I talk outside?” I say as polite as possible.

  Mrs. Winston has always been one of my least favorite people just like her son, but my mother would have my balls if I disrespected the old bat.

  “Of course, Elliot, maybe you can talk some sense into my boy and that friend of yours. She was never good enough for him and now this.”

  As we walked out of the waiting room, Jared, of course, had to start running his damn mouth, “What the hell did you do to AB, Elliot?”

  His hands are on his hips, obviously frustrated but he has a cocky smile on his face.

  “She comes at me and basically molests me in front of the cathedral spewing some bullshit about running me away last night and waking up next to you in bed.”

  Jared changes his stance, it’s a subtle change, but all of a sudden, he’s mocking me, cocky because AB ran to him.

  “Were you that bad in bed that she had to picture me and my cock to cum? Fuck, the bitch missed me so much she was begging for it. She tried to whip it out right there on the street! I think she would have sucked me off right there if my mother wouldn’t have walked by.”

  “Shut up,” I growl through clenched teeth.

  My hands are clenched into fists at my sides. It’s taking all my self-control not to rearrange his face.

  Jared is now standing directly in front of me, almost toe to toe.

  “Awww is little Elliot‘s feelings getting hurt? News flash looser, AB is too good for you. She always has been and always will be. Even though she saw me balls deep in another bitch's pussy, she still comes running back for more. AB is mine, the quicker you learn that the better off you will be my friend. Now run along, and do whatever it is you do when you aren't sniffing around after my sloppy seconds like a lost puppy.” He says with a smug smile on his face.

  Be a man Elliot.

  Show AB t
hat you can take care of her inside and outside the bedroom.

  You can dominate in and outside the bedroom.

  She is YOUR Kitten.

  He cannot take our Kitten.


  In a slow, calm, firm voice I say, “You will go back into the waiting room, collect your cunt of a mother, and never speak to AB again. You will not be calling the police. Do I make myself clear?”

  I stand to my full height to ensure that Jared understands that he is talking to both Elliot and AB’s Psycho. We are one in the same. We have always been one in the same. It’s time for us both to put this motherfucker in his place and claim our woman.

  “Oh, you want to have a backbone now Elliot? Well, at least when I kick your ass it won't be far for you to go to get cleaned up.”

  He’s laughing at me, but he will quickly learn the error of that.

  He takes a sloppy swing at me that I easily dodge. Instead of dragging this out, I reach out and grab Jared by his shirt collar, and throw him into the adjacent wall, knocking him slightly off balance. Before he can right himself, I slam him three more times into the wall by his shirt collar, and give him a nice right hook to the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

  “Maybe this time you will listen. Get your mother, and get the fuck out of here. I do not want to see you anywhere near AB again.” I tell him.

  Apparently, this motherfucker cannot take the hit. As I turn to head back toward the waiting room, he runs towards me and wraps his arms around my waist, knocking me to the floor. We both scramble around on the floor for a few minutes, before getting back on our feet.

  “Alright asshole, bring it on. I have watched you leering at AB since we got together. May the best man get the girl,” Jared says.

  I chuckle, “Okay man, you asked for it.”

  I wish I had a tape recorder for when I have to explain to AB why I kicked his ass. She is going to be so pissed.

  You would think that this went down like something in the movies. That we fought for the girl's honor and all that nonsense. Nope, in reality, I knocked him out with one good punch. I wasn't dumb mind you. I let him get a few licks in, so once he was knocked out, I called security and told them he assaulted me, which he did, and I defended myself, which I also did. So, he came too in the back of a police car with his mother praying Hail Mary's for his cursed soul. All in all, it’s a win-win if you ask me.

  So now that that’s all taken care of, it is time to talk some sense into my Kitten.

  If she doesn’t listen, it may be time for another spanking.


  After having a CAT scan, I'm being wheeled back to my bed in the ER when I see Elliot.

  “Elliot, how did you know I was here?” I ask him, as the orderly helps me back into bed.

  “I'm your emergency contact, remember? One of the nurses called me to let me know they brought you in.” Elliot tells me as he walks towards me, leans over, and wraps me in his arms.

  I rest my cheek on his chest, and I embrace the warmth and comfort that is my best friend.

  “Thank you,” I say into his shirt.

  “For what?” he asks, obviously confused.

  “For coming for me.”

  “Haven't you figured it out yet? I'll always come for you, Kitten.”

  Surprised, I look up into his eyes, searching for my Psycho. “You're really him? You're my Psycho?”

  “I always have been. Come on, you need to relax and wait for the doctor to release you. The nurse said something about stitches,” he says as he backs away from me.

  Elliot pulls the curtain closed before he climbs into the bed next to me, and then wraps his arm around me again. I can’t help but snuggle deep into his chest.

  “How did you make your voice different? He never sounded like you.” I ask, confusion clear in my voice.

  “I did that on purpose, at first I didn’t want you to know it was me, so I was careful to lower my voice, make it rougher.” He says with a shrug.

  “And you’re smell? He never smelled like you. You smell like sandalwood and leather. He always smelled crisp like the smell of a first rain.”

  He chuckles, “I’m very careful to only get my cologne on my shirt, so I would change my shirt and cologne before I would come see you.”

  “You went out of your way to hide it from me. I always felt safe knowing he was watching me. But all this time, it was you.” My voice is low, almost a whisper as I pull my head back from his chest and look at his face. “Kiss me. Please.”

  “Normally, I would not give in to your demands, but since these are extenuating circumstances, I'll let it slide this time.”

  Elliot tilts my chin up slightly with his hand under my jaw to keep me in place, and so he can maintain control of my face. When I'm looking directly at him, he drops his head, so his lips are a hair’s breadth away from mine and whispers, “Let's see if you can follow directions. Don't move anything except your mouth. Understand?”

  “Yes,” barely leaves my lips when he brushes his lips against mine.

  Our kiss is soft at first but grows more and more demanding by the second. He nips my lower lip with his teeth then slides the tip of his tongue over it to soothe away the sting. When he licks my lip, I open up for him, and he takes full advantage. Stroking my tongue with his, tickling the roof of my mouth, and basically fucking my mouth with his tongue, I've never been so turned on by a kiss in my life. I can imagine putting his tongue to better use on my lower lips, and that thought has me soaking through my panties. I moan helplessly into his mouth.

  I don't know how much more I can take without moving, without touching him. My pussy is throbbing, and my thighs are clenched tight trying to relieve some of the pressure. My fingers twitch, and my entire body is tense with the force of trying not to move from the fire that he has lit in my bloodstream.

  He pulls back with a smirk on his face.

  “You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. One day very soon, I'm going to fuck your mouth and put your gag reflex to the test.”

  I don't know how to respond to that, Elliot has never spoken to me that way. I'm embarrassed, so I look away from him. However, I'm so turned on it hurts so I do the only thing that I can do, I giggle as my face turns bright red.

  I lean my forehead against his chest, and I laugh until my entire body shakes, then I laugh some more.

  Using one finger under my chin, Elliot pushes my head up, so I'm looking at him again.

  “Did I say something amusing?”

  “No. God, no. didn’t you just tell me, you ass?”

  My face is still beet red, it feels hot, but I smack his chest with my hand anyway.

  “I promise that you will get used to it. But right now, you need to rest,” he ignores my sass-filled retort and tucks my head back under his chin.

  “Will you stay with me?”

  I don't understand why I'm shy, I've never been shy a day in my life, but this new relationship with Elliott is different than anything I’ve ever done before, and I don't want to ruin it, I want to explore it.

  “Of course, Kitten.”

  I roll to my other side, and Elliot snuggles up behind me and pulls me tight against him. I use his arm as a pillow as he wraps it around my chest and I relax against him. I'm starting to drift off when a thought pops into my head.


  “Yes, Belle?”

  “Can I see it?”

  I can feel the heat on my cheeks again. Damn red hair makes it impossible to hide my embarrassment.

  I don't have to see his face to know he's smiling, he knows exactly what I mean.

  “See what?”

  “You know what I'm talking about.”

  He leans his head in, so his lips are against my ear and whispers, “Do you want to see my cock, Kitten? Perhaps inspect it for jewelry?”

  Goosebumps have erupted over my entire body from his warm breath against my ear. When he nips my earlobe, my nipples
harden to sharp points, and a moan escapes my lips before I can stop it.

  “Yes. That is what I want.” I say while I grind my ass into the crotch of his jeans.

  “Tell me what you want. Say ‘I want to see your cock.’” I know he has that damn smirk on his face, but I just don’t care.

  “I want to see your cock, Elliot, please let me see it,” I say a little louder than I should have considering where we are, but I don't care who hears me.

  “Turn around and face me. I'm not going to pull it out, but I'll let you feel the piercing.”

  I scramble to turn around as fast as I can, almost falling off the bed in the process. Elliot chuckles at my eagerness.

  “Calm down. I'm not going anywhere.”

  Once I'm turned around, Elliot wraps his hand around my knee and pulls my leg over his hip then unbuckles his jeans.

  “Go ahead, but you have to keep your eyes on mine. Don’t look away.”

  I take a deep breath and look up at him while my hand moves to the opening in his jeans. Since his dick is hard, finding it is easy. I wrap my hand around it and find the hoop. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

  “Thank God. I'm tired of fondling random guys’ dicks today.”

  Elliot and I both laugh a good soul cleansing laugh.



  It took some getting use too but having Elliot dominate me is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He’s deliciously depraved, and it does amazing things to me.

  Since his apartment is close to mine and neither of our leases are up, we flop back and forth between the two, depending on just how kinky we want to be. The tamer items live in my apartment while the really fun stuff stays at his. And it gives him a place to sleep when he's pissed me off, and I kick him out.

  I’m standing in his kitchen cooking his favorite dinner: lasagna and garlic bread; all from scratch, even the bread. I'm hoping to earn myself some time with the riding crop. He hasn't used it on me yet, and I am dying to feel it against my skin. Just the thought sends tingles down my spine, hardens my nipples, and wets my panties.